Thoughts of the No-Budget Filmmaker.

Welcome to the official blog for Shadow Puppet Studios. This is primarily for talking about my current, former and future film projects. I'll also be posting a couple blogs about what's up on the personal front, giving you the full perspective of the average film student.
So turn down the lights, grab some popcorn and turn off your cell phones... because it's showtime!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Filming Recap: Day Two, 01.31.09

In this new feature we catch up with the filming of this latest film long after the fact.

Second day of filming started with the scene where Terry and Hannah dig up the time capsule.

The scene itself was pretty short on the page, but shooting outside is always an adventure. First of all, we were right next to a highway, and sometimes kids would ride past on their bikes, and stop to watch us filming. We kept having to tell them, "it's okay if you watch, but if you sit right there, you're right in the middle of the shot, so if you could move a little..."
Also, on the other end of the field the university was doing some construction of some sort, so they had a big truck over there, and every time we rolled we'd hear the beeping of the truck backing up. It would go for about 3 minutes, then stop for about 30 seconds, then go again. It was like the truck was parallel parking, and just couldn't get into the space. At least, that was our theory.

After we finished the scene, we headed back to Hannah's apartment set and shot the rest of the scenes in that location. About 5 scenes in there.

Fortunatly, those five scenes take place in one night, so the costumes didn't change, but we did have to change the lighting every time, and the scenes, while each one was really short, maybe a page or two at max, did have to have full coverage, so the scenes did take a bit of time to get done. We ended up filming a while, a bit longer than we planned to, but we got some great footage. The cast was on the ball, and the crew was starting to get into a cool rhythm.
Crew members I didn't name in the last pics:
Jared and Michael - crew
Karli - production designer

This was our longest weekend, and with Day 2 over, we hit the hay to get sleep, knowing Day 3 was only hours away...

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