Thoughts of the No-Budget Filmmaker.

Welcome to the official blog for Shadow Puppet Studios. This is primarily for talking about my current, former and future film projects. I'll also be posting a couple blogs about what's up on the personal front, giving you the full perspective of the average film student.
So turn down the lights, grab some popcorn and turn off your cell phones... because it's showtime!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Writer's Block" honored with 2nd place award

So, this week has been a nightmare of essays, projects, and tests. That's right, finals week. However, I got a happy reprieve from the chaos when the on-campus video festival screened "Writer's Block," (the movie I shot, re-wrote, and reshot freshman year). What was even cooler was that the movie got 2nd place.

Now, obviously this festival isn't really Cannes (much to my professor's chagrin). A bunch of the other projects were just bad experimental films, and a couple of the others felt like they were written by high school students. There's no awards based on categories, such as directing or writing (which I didn't actually care about, but my professor pitched a mini-fit over that).
And the movie itself, though I do think it works, is really tough for me to watch. I just want to reach into the screen and re-direct the whole thing. I'm not happy with a few performances, and the sound could probably stand to be re-mixed.

But, at the risk of sounding petty, an award is an award, and in all honesty it's still sincerely pretty cool to have people honor the movie.

Plus, $30 gift card for Best Buy. I'm gonna try to save that for the next time I need to buy HD tapes. I'm gonna fail, but still.
